Informations pratiquesLocal contacts Organisation : Béatrice Jaluzot – Tél. 04 3737 6473 – ou 06 13 62 63 49 Mail: Tarifs : 150 €/ journée (comprend les repas de midi et un exemplaire des Actes, à paraître aux Editions Schulthess) 75 €/demi-journée (Actes exclus) gratuit pour les étudiants et les Universitaires Inscriptions et attestations de formation continue pour le Barreau : Comment se rendre à Sciences-po Lyon ?
How to get to ENS Lyon? The ENS de Lyon is located 15, Parvis René Descartes F-69342 Lyon CEDEX 07, FRANCE in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon (the Gerland area), at the corner of Avenue Jean-Jaurès and Avenue Debourg. It is next to Debourg station on line B of the Lyon metro WARNING : this address will not appear on any street guide. The exact location is across the street at 249 avenue Jean Jaurès. See the following map. * Maps of public transport in Lyon City By metro : From the
city centre, take line B in the direction of Stade de Gerland, getting
off at Debourg station. The exit at the rear of the train will bring you
out opposite Parvis René-Descartes, the courtyard on which the ENS site
Descartes stands. |